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What were we up to in January?

Take a look at what the children have been up to during January…

The children in Reception and Kindergarten baked gingerbread as part of Thinking Thursday – they were delicious!

We made tasty soup to eat on a cold and frosty day…

As part of our maths lesson on 2D shapes, we had a lively snack time thinking about the shapes the toast can be cut into.

We also introduced the concept of fractions, looking at the whole, a half and then quarters.

Kindergarten looked at repeating patterns in lots of different ways.

EYFS had fun making lots of lively noise in their music lesson!

As part of Prep 4’s History topic, they had to complete a project to conclude their learning on Life in Roman Britain.

Pieces of work included working catapults, a pop-up coliseum, a soldier’s helmet and figures of soldiers and a Roman God. We are extremely impressed!

Through the realms of technology, Prep 3 created a class poem linked to the book ‘Fly, Eagle, Fly’ by Christopher Gregorowski.

Children at home and the critical worker children in School all joined Miss Shaw on Zoom as part of their Power of Reading lesson.

They watched eagle videos and discussed poetic techniques. The children then labelled images of eagles using adjectives, adverbs, alliteration, sibilance, similes and metaphors, and finally, they collected their favourite ideas to create a class poem.

Children in Prep 3 and 4 have been working hard at home and in School for the last few weeks on their class art projects.

During their weekly live Art lesson, Prep 2 has been busy working on a Space theme.

They have drawn rockets, astronauts and made their own wonderful 3D rockets. They are fantastic!

We are incredibly proud of all their hard work whether in School or at home, well done!