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WPS Elections

Yesterday, we took part in our own elections at WPS.

Kindergarten voted for their favourite story using counters.

Reception transformed our yellow submarine role-play area into a polling station. The School Council representatives chose two stories and campaigned as to why they feel their story should be read at the end of the day. The children and teachers then voted for which book they wanted to listen to. The Reception children also listened to a Wendy Watermelon, Amy Apple, Clare Pear and Benny Banana fruit campaign and then voted for their favourite piece of fruit.

Prep 2 voted on whether they think Tuffy the cat (the main character in their Power of Reading story) is in the right or the wrong. The children discussed the arguments for and against and then individually voiced their opinions. They wrote a cross by the statement they agreed with on a ballot slip and then posted it so the votes could be counted.

Prep 6 voted for our class book for the day! We had some particularly heated debates about which book to choose, and discussed how our actions in the classroom related to the choices adults make when voting: whether through going with the majority vote, just looking at the titles to make our decision, really looking inside the books to understand what we were choosing and campaigning that takes place to make sure a certain choice wins.