Wilmslow Preparatory School Grove Avenue Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 5EG Tel: 01625 524246 e-mail: secretary@wilmslowprep.co.uk www.wilmslowprep.co.uk Follow us onTwitter and Facebook For staff details and our latest inspection report, please contact the School Secretary or visit www.wilmslowprep.co.uk Wilmslow Preparatory SchoolTrust Limited is a registered charity, no. 525924, and a registered limited company, no. 888176. INDEPENDENT AND FULLY ACCREDITED Since 1966 we have been administered by an Educational Trust; we have an active and committed Board of Governors and we are fully accredited by the Independent Schools’ Council.We are also represented in the Independent Association of Preparatory Schools (IAPS) and the Independent Schools’Association (ISA). The following policies are available from the School office: WPS Safeguarding Policy Behaviour and Discipline Policy Anti-bullying policy Health and Safety Policy Complaints Policy Admissions Policy Curriculum Policy SEND Policy First Aid & Medicines Policy