Speech & Drama
Speech & Drama
Speech and drama at Wilmslow Preparatory plays a vital part in developing the confidence and life skills of our pupils. We believe participation in the English Speaking Board exams is at the heart of what gives our pupils the edge when they enter the wider world. From their first day here, pupils are given frequent opportunities to perform in public, preparing pieces for special assemblies and taking part in competitions such as the Alderley Edge Festival. These experiences provide the children with the opportunity to develop their confidence, whilst performing in front of a wider audience and professional adjudicators.
Their learning is further enhanced by events such as the Summer Concert, Triangular Inter-School Reading Competition, Picture Book Day and the Carol Service. During the year, all children participate in a musical production: KG and Reception produce a delightful nativity play, Years 1 and 2 enjoy performing a Christmas musical production, Years 3 and 4 unite to perform a musical play during the Spring Term and Years 5 and 6 create an incredible musical production as part of the Year 6’s leaving celebrations. Plays have ranged from ‘Christmas with the Aliens’ to ‘Shakespeare Rocks’!
The year concludes with a formal Speech Day where musical items and drama pieces highlight the children’s talents. We are proud of the skills our children develop as they journey from their first nativity play into self-assured, eloquent young people who can produce confident presentations having learnt communication skills which will carry them into secondary school and beyond.